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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dos & Don'ts During Pregnancy

Today i want to blog about pregnancy... No.. Don't get me wrong. I'm not pregnant (yet)! Haha! It's just that for the pass 1 year, i have a few pregnant ladies in office and personal life. Therefore made me learn quite a lot of "free" classes on what is the Dos & Don'ts during pregnancy in order to delivery a healthy child. Here are the few basic and common sense things that 1 should obey during her pregnancy on WHICH i know there is 1 particular person i know who do not obey or more like able to bend the rules so that she can get away with it:

Rule #1: No raw food and ice PLEASE! In Cantonese "sang lang yeh".
Excuse #1: "Aiya, only once in a while mah"! - Take note: Empty stomach in the morning!

Rule #2: No nail polishing, hair rebonding, coloring or curling PLEASE! - because the chemical will effect the baby.
Excuse #2: " Rebonding is allowed because the the chemical will not reach the scalp!" wahahah!
* Few of my pregnant friend actually told me that government nurse actually will scold expecting moms with polished nails or dyed hair etc!

Rule #3: If you are not allergic to dairy, drink those milk which is made for expecting moms.
Excuse #3: "Milk is smelly, i can't take it" i'll drink soy base product.." wei.. those product do not have DHA and other vitamins which is important for the growing embryo leh! Want to take vitamin pills to substitute? wahaha!

Rule #4: For God sake! Consume the vitamin tablets that they provide you during you checkup. Because they know what the baby need more that you do. Unless, you are rich to go get it from pharmacies.
Excuse #4: "The pills are smelly, i can't take it!" Shit! what the baby's gonna eat ah?

Rule #5: Have the least Fast Food as possible because it's widely known that Fast Food is not healthy.
Excuse #5: "It's the pregnancy crave, nothing to do with the mom.. Blame the baby"! HA HA FUNNY! Doesn't mean should eat Fast Food so frequent kua!

Rule #6: Be good! BE very Good! because whatever you do or think will indirectly effect the womb! They call it "toi kau" in cantonese.
Don't #6: Never ever call other people's son STUPID, DOG, USELESS or GO EAT SHIT! - Pregnant or not, it's still wrong to do that! Normally what old people like to say is that, the more you say bad about other child, the more likely your child will be like that, or even worse! We call it karma. So, let's do good, shall we?

So, those are the ABCs & 123s of pregnancy. For more info, please do not hesitate to ask your doctors! Hehe.

Although i have never been pregnant before. But i think the most important period to determine whether a child will be healthy in the future is during the child's growth in the mother's womb. No matter what, it's a mom's responsibility to make sure the child is healthy when he or she is brought into this world. But then again, i really do hope that this "unique" expecting mom that i mentioned knows what she's doing. And i hope the baby will be healthy when he or she is out later.


  1. so cham, many things cannot do/eat.. now my husband's sis pregnant also very mafan, everything she say she cannot eat -_-"".. and she and her mulut celupar husband are trying very hard to not talk bad things abt other ppl, they say this is the most challenging part, coz previously they keep "zat" ppl no matter what ppl do/say, n i dislike them coz of this.. haha now dai sei loh :p

  2. Hi HL Tan. Ya, pregnancy time is really difficult, not forgetting on the extra weight that a mom will need to "carry". But for your own flesh and blood,for sure you are willing to do you anything, right? But then again, look at the bright side, only for 9 months mah! haha!

  3. hi hi, nice to meet u ^^ .. yea, 9 months pass very fast actually, once i heard news abt my frens getting pregnant, now their babies are born dy! :D
